View Full Version : ..:: لــنتــ ح ــــاور باللغة الإنجليزية ( هلم

القلم الوردي
04-09-2006, 11:18 PM


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ..

رواد الملتقى العلمي والتربوي

اسعد الله أوقاتكم بالمسرات ..

وآدام الأنس بقلووبكم ..


.. الحِـــــــــــــــــــوار ..

أجدى وسيلة للعلم والتعلم ..

واهم لغات العصر ..

أحبتي لنتحاور معاً :) ..

لكن ..بطريقة ربما هي مختلفة نوعاً ما عما أعتدنا عليه ..

ليس سؤالاً وجواباً كما نرى دائماً ..!

إنما هي ..

محاورهـ باللغـــــــة الإنجليزية By English

تحــاوري مــ ع من تريدين في هذا المـوضوع ,, فهو موضوع مخصصـ للحوارات والنقاشات ولكن باللغه الإنجليزية فقــط ,,

وإن كُنا مازلنا مبتدئين ..ولكن لنحاول معاً ..

هلموا ..إلينا .. ولنشدد إيدينا ..

لنتقن فن الخطاب بالـ English

بإنتظاركم ..


05-09-2006, 12:38 PM
مبادرة جميلة جدا وأنا متفقة معك ولكن المحادثة تاللغة الانجليزية تحتاج الى ممارسة لانى أنا مجربة لانى أدرس فى الجامعة اللغة الانجليزية ولكن كل الكلام مع الاهل وغيرهم باللغة العربية لاننى بلد عربى

مرارة البحر
05-09-2006, 03:54 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته :)

That is a great idea my friends :)

.we should try to speak and write in English as much as possible

Let me tell you a little secret:o

!Three months ago, I wasn't able to lead a conversation in English

i feel my tongue stuck if i try to speak in English :D

!and all my vocabulary disappear

but now, as you can see, there's some progress ws:-)

I used to chat with native speakers, feeling free to make mistakes

learning English from them, while teaching Arabic for some :)

I believe that making mistakes is the best way to improve your language, any language

I'll be here :) waiting for you all to practice our English

05-09-2006, 09:56 PM
yeah .....great and nice topic what u put here sister (PINK PEN)
i agree with in all what u have said...
talking in english is the only way to learn and improve our ability to master this important language all over the world
i believe that one day..an arabic language will be the superior and taking the upper hand in every single aspect of life
so pray with me that this will be sooner than we think
we should have a hope and also work hard to make it real..
god bless u....

your sis.

05-09-2006, 10:01 PM
marara albahar:
i need your help please , if you never mind i want to make conversation between me and you :) in the past i was chating in mirc but you now ican't do that now !!!! i don't like to chat with boys anymore and if i try to chat with girls they have a positive reaction !!!!!! i don't now why
so please can you help me....:)

مرارة البحر
06-09-2006, 12:10 AM

yes dear, you're right

I think Muslims should learn all spoken languages, to tell the truth to the whole world

May Allah help us to do :)
* we should use capital letters with words like: God *


it's my pleasure to help you :)

let's chat here

go ahead, i'm waiting :)

^شوووق للجنان^
06-09-2006, 03:23 AM
wow!!!! ... my dear thank you so much for your great idea

Ilove English and Iwant be good Init .

Iwent in English language In the university

please help me I want learn the first grammars well I should learn it

thank you

06-09-2006, 12:00 PM
Hi all,
i would like to thank you for this great chance to chat in English
and i will be happy to help you with it.
yes i also think think that we should learn all languages to understand and be able to make other understand what we are and be able to defend ourself.

06-09-2006, 01:19 PM
alsalam alikom
how are you all
thanks alot THE PINK PEN for this idea
you know when i wrote pink i was will write panther
the cartoon program hhhhhhhhhhhhh

wich grammar you want ?
to make each other
nt other

see you soon
inshaa allah

احب الله ورسوله
06-09-2006, 02:22 PM
Speak English fun, but should know the basics of language

06-09-2006, 03:36 PM
thank you my dear , yeah you are right girls we should improve our language and our skills so that in the future if any body from westerner ask us about our traditional and culture we can give them right explanation especially the informations about islam and muslem people:)
and thank you verey much you give me chance to speak in English my dear , i don't know that i'm not so bad in English thanks God heheheheh i can explaine anything now

06-09-2006, 09:27 PM
i am not good in english language but my sister help me in the last (RAD

i was love the english language and i hope to learn it good and go to the westren country and tell him about islam


06-09-2006, 10:40 PM
hehehe yes i now what you want to say my dear but i think you should say
(my English language it's bad and my sister tried to help me to improve my English language so that i want to be fulient to explain for the westerner about islam)
and i hope that what i'm telling you it's right????????

مرارة البحر
07-09-2006, 12:35 AM

you are doing very well, dont worry :)

let's say:

i am not good in english language but my sister helped me in the last (RAD post

i was love the english language and i hope to learn it good and go to the
westren countries and tell him them about islam

keep trying dear, you'll manage it soon :)

and by the way: if you know all the basics you still need to practice

if you dont know so much basics, you'll get it with practicing :)

keep trying

Abeer alward
07-09-2006, 02:30 AM
I love english language,but i need someone to help me to say sentence with out mistake ,&every day (ifyou accept me with you)

أم بودي
07-09-2006, 03:16 AM
hi girls
It's so nice
I need to share you
I like this idea so much

I was working as a "Tour Operator" in a travel tgency and I was dealing directly with the tourists, either through phone or e-mails and sometimes by making an interview at the office

and my English language was very good

but I left my job since more than 3 years because of marriage & my baby
I thought that I have forget how to speak in English , but this great subject made me felt that I still be able to make a conversation in English

thanks a lot to our sister Pink Pen

I suggest to select any subject to chat about it
I think it will make the chat being more attractive

بنت العمودي
07-09-2006, 12:02 PM
Assalamu alaikom wa rahmato Allah

Dear sister Pink pen
Its great idea to chat here in English wich is a good apportunity to
? Progres our righting skills but what about speaking

07-09-2006, 01:18 PM
girls let's talk about your favorite hopies and how do you spend your time in good thing whether reading books or doing some exercies , going out with your friendesor chating in the internet .......
about me i like to painting and drowing what about you my friendes ???
what about you marara albahar ???
i want to ask you how old are you i think you are young girls mmmmmmm

07-09-2006, 01:56 PM
great i suggest (fashion) to be our subject

i prefer to prevent arabic from going in our conversation the admin of this site may can prevent arabic words of being viewable here>>

07-09-2006, 01:59 PM
sorry gamosha i didnt see ur suggestion until now
my hobby is serving the web seeing what is new
iam 22 years old and i have alittle girl named fofo

فرولاية جده
07-09-2006, 03:48 PM
Algalm Alwarde

This is naic and waw .. wraiteng English in montada lakii
but I weting your self
Becous writing with all girls

i am go naw and bac

لا تضحكوا على الانجليزي الي عندي انا عصرت مخي عشان اطلع الكلا دا
بس اتمنى اني استمر معاكم بس والله احس اني اشد كل اعصابي عشان اقرء كلامك
وماقريت عشان لا اتعب بس مع الوقت اكيد اني بتعلم منكم

أمير الحرف
07-09-2006, 05:07 PM
wonderful idea
all of the ladies
write very nice
but u write good
the important thing
how to speak
go ahead
it is agreat idea

07-09-2006, 05:12 PM
افهمكم بس ما اعرف اتفاهم معكم

فرولاية جده
07-09-2006, 06:05 PM



i am like you
i and you nead help help help help

07-09-2006, 06:21 PM
hello girls,
can I join this conversation
really i want to review my english,
what about talking in a specific subject and let's suggest it now
waiting for your ideas

08-09-2006, 02:19 AM
hi , thank you girls you are doing good like me ya3ny hehehehe
memo83 i'm older than you just one year ( ya3ny ana 3ajouuuza :) i'm just keding hehe
nas7aaaaaaaaaaa 7abibty no problem just try to speak in English it's fun wallah. yalla yalla go a head farawlla jeda (my'7alef
my brother ameer al7arf thanks to share us this conversation and i hope to continu with us
my dear rama yes ofcours you can share us

08-09-2006, 11:02 AM
thanks for this idea ana we can help ourself to improve our language cuz english now is the best languge

أمير الحرف
08-09-2006, 02:44 PM
please choose any subject then talke about it because u write any thing the best idea u can write about important
thing I think that this is up to u

08-09-2006, 05:32 PM
أهلا بكن أنا عضوة جديده

08-09-2006, 05:35 PM
Iwant talk about *back to school*

08-09-2006, 05:43 PM
its a very good idea

Miss. apple
08-09-2006, 06:53 PM
It's a great idea

Oh my dear
i can talk better tan write

writing English want a good spelling

thank you Miss
It's the best idea i think

09-09-2006, 10:51 AM
my brother ameer al7rf :
i agree with you choose any subject to talk about it it's better what about the (somthing you do in your life it's change you to the best and what is the interesting thing you do sach as (adventurous) :)

09-09-2006, 10:57 AM
my brother ameer al7rf :
i agree with you choose any subject to talk about it it's better what about the (somthing you do in your life it's change you to the best and what is the interesting thing you do sach as (adventurous) :)

09-09-2006, 11:19 AM
thanks for this idea ana we can help ourself to improve our language cuz english now is the best languge
snaksneez iam not with u arabic lang is the best that which allah siad in the holy quran but we cant deny that english is
very important now

hi snaksneez iwill be happy to know uoy more

09-09-2006, 11:30 AM
how are you gamosha

أمير الحرف
09-09-2006, 11:56 AM
Miss /gamosha
Thank u about u r words
when I read about some writer I can not understand what she want
then I think when we choose any subject then write about it .
It is good
fasting during Rammadn

u have many many subject
u can choose then start

good luck

بنت العمودي
09-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Alsalam 3alikom

how are you all doing?

will you still untel now dose not choose a subject?
ummm I brefer to talk about Ramadan coz after 2 weeks from now we are
inshalla well be fasting

What do you think

Gamoosha dear I used to chat with ppl in mirc too hhhhhhhhhhh

from a verey looooooooooong time and I learned at that time how to improve my languag also>

أمير الحرف
09-09-2006, 04:46 PM
Bint Al-amodee
u r subject is nice


who can start
I am waiting

life soul
10-09-2006, 12:18 AM
it`s great idea:-V i'll join with u
but in which subject we will start::L:: ??
:o i think Ramadan is the best subject in these days Are u agree with me??
:D i`m waiting u
best wishes & thanx for this wonderful idea

أمير الحرف
10-09-2006, 01:16 AM
who can start to write about the Holy month of


10-09-2006, 12:10 PM
thanks for all my friends in this forum :) i'm soooooooo happy becouse Rammdan after 2 weeks and i think every body ready to fasting and preparation the delicious dishes, yesterday i sow my grandmother she went to the supermarket she bought alot of things i asked her why all this things you brought it's too much mam ?? she told me no problem dear Rammdan is the holy month that you feel more comfort and contact with people around us it's mean there is no rancor, spite or hostility and we should forget the past and open new white sheet and fogive people whom hurts us.
so that i know all your aunts and uncles they will come with there sons we will be togather in the same dining table :) and help each other again.
i said : glory to God :) :)
we can not forgot to apple mission and to be adorer and praying to allah
ask him to give us good health.
and in the end i want to say God to whome be as cribed all perfection and majesty :)

10-09-2006, 08:05 PM
memo 83 hi shlounech :) i'm fine thanks God what about you :)
sorry my friend i forget to tell happy ramadan and in my accent mubarak 3aleakom alshahaaaaaaaaaaar

القلم الوردي
10-09-2006, 09:30 PM

This is veree good

O?°'¨ (كورس شامل في قواعد اللغة الانجليزية من الالف الى الياء ) ¨'°?o د


أمير الحرف
10-09-2006, 09:54 PM
Dear sister /gamosha

u r subject is wonderful
Give chance then I will complete God welling


thanks for all my friends in this forum i'm soooooooo happy becouse Rammdan after 2 weeks and i think every body ready to fasting and preparation the delicious dishes, yesterday i sow my grandmother she went to the supermarket she bought alot of things i asked her why all this things you brought it's too much mam ?? she told me no problem dear Rammdan is the holy month that you feel more comfort and contact with people around us it's mean there is no rancor, spite or hostility and we should forget the past and open new white sheet and fogive people whom hurts us.
so that i know all your aunts and uncles they will come with there sons we will be togather in the same dining table and help each other again.
i said : glory to God
we can not forgot to apple mission and to be adorer and praying to allah
ask him to give us good health.
and in the end i want to say God to whome be as cribed all perfection and majesty

11-09-2006, 10:36 AM
اخي امير الحرف شكرا لقرائتك موضوعي وياريت البنات يكملون الموضوع انا عطيتهم فكره بس عن كيفية عمل موضوع والباقي عليهم انا ما دخلت بالتفاصيل عشان الي عنده فكره يقولها

ريحانة الوجدان
11-09-2006, 10:49 AM
It is a nice idea
I need also to practice my language

but I suggest that someone of you whose very excellent in English tell us about our mistakes to know it and improve our language

مدري فهمتوا علي والا لا ):K

بسمة فرح
11-09-2006, 10:49 PM
قارئه بصمت .. كلمه افهم وكلمه لا ..!! :)

12-09-2006, 04:24 AM
thank you for graet idea but my proplem is ihave thousnds of vocaublry but it is too hard to keep grammer in my mind so ican understand many scinteces but icanot make one

12-09-2006, 01:43 PM
hi every body , just keep try and you will fine it ezee but please talk about Ramadan nights ...
we but the subject and we need somebody to share us this subject??
what about you amer al7arf????

أمير الحرف
12-09-2006, 06:01 PM

what about you amer al7arf???

Thanku my sister
I am buzy after 2 days ago

I will write about the Holy month I think it is easy


Rammadn is the ninth month in the Islamic calender.All Muslims must fast during the day pf Rammadn but we can eat and drink at sunset .All muslims will be happy when they know the holy month come and we try to read Holy Qran many time and pray more but the nice Muslims Know Allah all of the year but in Rammadn work more .
The Muslims can remmber the poor man in the world when they hungry and try to give the poor mony or food .
we know in Rammadn some people are ezcused from fasting like order people or in journeys and the women who are ill.
There is Lailtu Qader special night u can pray and call Allah at this night .

12-09-2006, 10:12 PM
thank you very much dear amer al7arf it's great simple paragraph and i hope other girls wirte more about ramadan nights . do think it's hard to wirte about it!!!!!
i hope they can wirte we will waiting for them:) yallaaaaaaaaaaaa wirte just keep try !!!!! :)

أمير الحرف
12-09-2006, 10:28 PM

thank you very much dear amer al7arf it's great simple paragraph and i hope other girls wirte more about ramadan nights . do think it's hard to wirte about it!!!!!
i hope they can wirte we will waiting for them yallaaaaaaaaaaaa wirte just keep try !!!!!

u r welcome
sister gamosha

u can give hime helping words
I think it is helping all of members
u know

13-09-2006, 02:51 AM
! What awonderful idea
we need like these subjects to improve our language
I like the english but I'm not good in it and I hope that I'll be excellent
I thing that I'll be excellent if I go in this subject
thank you so mutch sister for this good idea
and ramadan kareem

ريحانة الوجدان
13-09-2006, 11:21 AM
nice begining
brother Amer

First let me congratulate you
Ramadan Mubarak for all

I think Ramadan is a chance for Muslims to promote themselves and to enforce the relation with Allah Subhanah.

sorry, i can't write more because i don't have ideas.
Maybe i return back to share you more ideas

أمير الحرف
13-09-2006, 07:43 PM
please try to write
any sentences
try don not say read
we want all of the memmbers

13-09-2006, 09:08 PM
hi dear sweetdream how are you mubarak 3aleakom alshahaaar every body :) and you brother amer al7arf , rayhana alwejedan thank you to share us this idea :) and i hope to come back again with more ideas
mmmmmmmm wallah my brother i try to add more words but i feel we use all the words about Ramadan what do you think? my brother amer al7arf i want to tell you something :
befor i was thinking my English languges it was disappear but when i try to write here and share all girls and when we add this subject about ramadan i feel more comfortable and i want to thank you very much that you share me this subject .
and thank you ,still you can comunicate with us ..

14-09-2006, 01:49 AM
It's a good idea
It will improve our level at English very much
But I want to tell you some thing annoy me very much
Since 2001 I haven't use English
My langauge became very bad
now I can only understand English
but I can't speak or write English well
.But I decide to take an English course as soon as possibe

أمير الحرف
14-09-2006, 02:22 AM

my brother amer al7arf i want to tell you something :
befor i was thinking my English languges it was disappear but when i try to write here and share all girls and when we add this subject about ramadan i feel more comfortable and i want to thank you very much that you share me this subject .
and thank you ,still you can comunicate with us ..

My sister :gamosha
Thank u sister again I will complete withe us In sha Allah but u know I want to see new words to describe the subject when al of the members try to write compostion we can have much useful sentences and we can know more about wrong sentence .
Thank u again my sister and I am very happy about u r words
u can go ahead
see u

أمير الحرف
14-09-2006, 02:27 AM

It's a good idea
It will improve our level at English very much
But I want to tell you some thing annoy me very much
Since 2001 I haven't use English
My langauge became very bad
now I can only understand English
but I can't speak or write English well
.But I decide to take an English course as soon as possibe

My sister /roam
This is agreet idea when u want to complete with us no problem when u have mistke this is normally .
thank u again
and go ahead

14-09-2006, 11:50 AM
amer al7arf wallah i still search for simple words but you know i will open my dictionary now hehehehe i use it all the time wallah shshshshshsh this is my lettel secret

أمير الحرف
14-09-2006, 02:51 PM
amer al7arf wallah i still search for simple words but you know i will open my dictionary now hehehehe i use it all the time wallah shshshshshsh this is my lettel secret

My sister this is nice work when u use dictionary
and u r secret in my heart don not worry

Thank u sister

15-09-2006, 03:10 PM
thank you my brother amer al7arf as you told me before to use helping words what about this and it's as follows:
supplication ابتهال - reverence خشوع - rejoicing ابتهاج - coming قادم -
to relate to تعلق ب - to fear God اتقاء الله - industry اجتهاد - possibility تحمل
beneficenceإحسان - relation ارتباط - to respond to استجاب ل - to bless بارك - praise تسبيح الله - starving جائع - - starvation جوع - to seal ختم -Qura'an قرآن -
holy كريم

15-09-2006, 03:17 PM
thank you my brother amer al7arf , as you told me before to use helping words what about this as follows:
supplication اتبهال - reverence خشوع - rejoicing ابتهاج
coming قادم - to relate to تعلق ب - to fear God اتقاء الله
industry اجتهاد -possibility تحمل - beneficence إحسان - relation إرتباط
to respond to إستجاب لــ - to bless بارك - praise تسبيح الله
starving جائع - starvation جوع - to seal ختم - holy Qura'an قرآن كريم

15-09-2006, 03:56 PM
i want to say thank you very mutch to you
can you write for us conversations in many occasions like travell
shopping and so on

15-09-2006, 05:01 PM
hi dear laimona how are you yeah we but subject about Rammadan night to talk about it but nobody answer us just littel peoples and we try to but helping words to make paragraph about it , we will waite them and inshallah in the future we will talk about other subject such as shoping , travlling , tradtional and culture in the different country ....pla pla pla
i hope to share us again in the future dear ;)

مرارة البحر
16-09-2006, 08:44 AM
السلام عليكم all

sorry for being away all that time, my apologize

i was waiting for my PC to get fixed, and now i'm here :)

nice posts about Ramadan, keep going :)

but i have a question, are we supposed to correct mistakes?

here are some points untill i get an answer:

- try to write the full words without shortening, to help those who are still learning to understand what is going on.
i.e: write "you" instead of "u"

what do you think about that? it's just an opinion

- try to write the arabic nicks in Arabic, it's also a personal opinion, i dont like the numbers transliteration
7 forح
and 3 forع

- you can check the spelling of your words in Word, to make sure that you are writing them well.

that is what i do :)

i also use Word to translate words from English to Arabic and vice versa

i'm ready for any corrections

~ زاد المعاد ~
16-09-2006, 08:50 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

بنات ما أحب الإنجليزي من أيام الدراسة بس بسولف معكم على قدي


my name is n.h.h

ايش كمان يابنت

هذا ما جادت به ذاكرتي ....... بس يمكن يكون الموضوع فاتحتة خير لأتعلم الـ E

حمستوني إني أتعلم


16-09-2006, 03:45 PM
hellllllllllllloooo مرارة البحر and قوافل العائدات:) how are you all ?:ss:
yeah i agree with you about translation word to numbers :) it's chang the words . ( but as you know we used it in arabic words i think just by mistake we use it as usual)):K :) i also chek my word spelling from the dictionary i used it all the time :) thank you to share us your opinion dear yalla write about Rammadan hehehe i will wait you ???:-M

~ زاد المعاد ~
16-09-2006, 08:11 PM
ياعمري ترجميلي علشان أفهم ممكن ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

فهمت بعض الكلمات

17-09-2006, 03:21 PM
انا كتبت لج يا اخت قوافل العائدات الله يسلمج
شلونكم كلكم وانا موافقة على فكرة الأخت مرارة البحر كانت تفضل ان احنا مانستخدم الحروف باختصار وان ما نستخدم الارقام مثل ما احنا متعودين عليها دايما فا رجعت كتبت لها ان صح كلامها لانها تغير المعنى واذا كنا مستخدمينها مانكون قاصدين لان احنا متعلمين عليها وانا عادة اتأكد من الكلمات قبل مااكتب عشان ماتكون في اخطاء واستخدم القاموس دايما ومشكورة على ابداء رايج ويلا كتبي عن رمضان
بس حبيت اقولج اخت قوافل اذا احنا بنترجم كل الجملة ماراح تستفيدين شي لازم الكلمة الي ماتعرفينها
دوريها بالمعجم عشان تحفظين شلون كتابتها ونطقها بعد

17-09-2006, 03:25 PM
hi every body how are you all???
mer al7arf where are you my brother let's change our subject what do you think?

أمير الحرف
17-09-2006, 06:01 PM
hi every body how are you all???
mer al7arf where are you my brother let's change our subject what do you think?

Hi sister gamosha
I am sorry because in these days I am very very buzy
I dont forget all of the memmbers but u know we start in school as u know .by the way we can change the subject
the new one is

True friend

Is this subject is good or not when is not good u can change or any person.
again I am sorry and In sha allah i complete withe u
go ahead

احب الله ورسوله
18-09-2006, 12:42 PM
I liked the idea of talking about Ramadan, let’s talk about Ramadan. Of course, speaks for itself it is the month of forgiveness and emancipation of the fire. Everyone meeting for one goal asking of the amnesty of God .I wish to you fasting acceptable inshallah :-D

18-09-2006, 03:13 PM
thank you amer al7arf and don't worry just keep continuas with us :)
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and halla walla أحب الله ورسوله thank you to share us this subject :-M and mubarak 3aleach alshahar):K :)

احب الله ورسوله
18-09-2006, 03:53 PM
thank you amer al7arf and don't worry just keep continuas with us :)
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and halla walla أحب الله ورسوله thank you to share us this subject :-M and mubarak 3aleach alshahar):K :)
hi dear ghamosha , you most welcome we have to shaer with each other to imporve our English language really i miss you how you doing for Ramadan and what is your program i hope inshallah you 'll enjoy it and have nice day.

~ زاد المعاد ~
18-09-2006, 06:58 PM
انا كتبت لج يا اخت قوافل العائدات الله يسلمج
شلونكم كلكم وانا موافقة على فكرة الأخت مرارة البحر كانت تفضل ان احنا مانستخدم الحروف باختصار وان ما نستخدم الارقام مثل ما احنا متعودين عليها دايما فا رجعت كتبت لها ان صح كلامها لانها تغير المعنى واذا كنا مستخدمينها مانكون قاصدين لان احنا متعلمين عليها وانا عادة اتأكد من الكلمات قبل مااكتب عشان ماتكون في اخطاء واستخدم القاموس دايما ومشكورة على ابداء رايج ويلا كتبي عن رمضان
بس حبيت اقولج اخت قوافل اذا احنا بنترجم كل الجملة ماراح تستفيدين شي لازم الكلمة الي ماتعرفينها
دوريها بالمعجم عشان تحفظين شلون كتابتها ونطقها بعد

شكراً لك يالغلا الله يجعل الموضوع ذا فاتحة خير علشان اتعلم انجليزي لاني ما احبه بس اصبري علي انت وانت تعلميني

19-09-2006, 01:26 AM
I agree with you my sisters the only way to speak or write a language is to use it as much as possible. D ont be worried to make mistakes, because noone is perfect. but the way for being more complete is to try once time and twice till we find the right solution.

19-09-2006, 12:35 PM
hi every body how are you ? ((K))
dear أحب الله ورسوله : wallah i miss you tooooo ((K)) , my program in Rammadann inshallah to seal the holy Qura'an as usuall :-t ,and i will share my mother and my unte to go to the mosque , i will be ready to make delicious plant if it is work i will write it for you ok):K i hope so hehehehe secially sweet ;) :D

19-09-2006, 12:43 PM
hi every body how are you all ؟ ((K))
dear أحب الله ورسوله:
wallah i miss you tooooo ((K)) , my program in Rammadann inshallah to seal the holy Qura'an as usuall :-t ,and i will share my mother and my unte to go to the mosque , i will be ready to make delicious plant if it is work i will write it for you ok):K i hope so hehehehe secially sweet ;) :D
dear قوافل العائدات:
don't worry just keep try i will help you واي جملة ماتفهمينها قولي لي عنها اوكي وخلي يمج دفتر عشان تكتبين الجمل الي تحسين انج موفاهمتها وانا اترجمها لج اوكي ):K :-M
dear عروس البحر : thanks to share us and you are right none is perfect and we should learn from our mistake :)

مادري شفيني كله اكتب بالعكس وكله اكتب مرتين يلا زيادة الخير خيرين ههههههههههه هذا وانا بعد ما صمت وتخربط الكلام عيل شلون لما اصوم ههههههه:D ;)

احب الله ورسوله
19-09-2006, 02:41 PM
hi every body how are you ? ((K))
dear أحب الله ورسوله : wallah i miss you tooooo ((K)) , my program in Rammadann inshallah to seal the holy Qura'an as usuall :-t ,and i will share my mother and my unte to go to the mosque , i will be ready to make delicious plant if it is work i will write it for you ok):K i hope so hehehehe secially sweet ;) :D
Thank you my dear for telling me about your program I wish for you a nice Ramadan and god bless you and your family. Ok honey I am waiting for your recipe

20-09-2006, 12:04 AM
you are welcome what about you ? what is your program in the Holy Rammadan?

أمير الحرف
20-09-2006, 12:56 AM
Hi sister /gamosha
u change into Arabic
u want speak Arabic or u try to write in English

20-09-2006, 01:11 PM
hi mer al7arf , No i'm just jokeing hehehe

احب الله ورسوله
20-09-2006, 02:59 PM
you are welcome what about you ? what is your program in the Holy Rammadan?
Hi ,GAMOSHA how are you , there is no differnet . my program Such as yours . only a Little difference ihave to work during Ramadan . By the way ,how is your mother . honey you have a nice week end and i'll write on sunday inshallah i have short leave so enjoy Ramadan
God bless you

أمير الحرف
21-09-2006, 03:39 PM
احب الله ورسوله

Thankx alot about u r language it is very nice
go a head

21-09-2006, 11:57 PM
Hello,how are?
I find this is a very good idea
So thank you very much for your idea
Your friend Nadia
See you

22-09-2006, 03:59 PM
you are welcome nadiane15 :)
hi mer al7arf how are you ?

22-09-2006, 05:29 PM
Thank you
I'm very happy
because I am with you

22-09-2006, 05:30 PM
I think there is some faultes in my sentence
please correct me

نبضة الأمل..!!
23-09-2006, 09:35 AM
i didnt like english !!! because that i can not tooking with it !!! but i must to learn it >> iwill took with you but please dont lugh .. Thank you mrara >>this is best idia
والله فشيلة ما أعرف أتكلم ..??،،

أنهار الربيع
23-09-2006, 12:26 PM
Its nice idai
thank you so mutch

أمير الحرف
23-09-2006, 01:12 PM
you are welcome nadiane15
hi mer al7arf how are you

Hi sister /gamosha
Fine think u and u
we want to complete the subject or change
and there are many nice memmbers try to write
it is nice

أمير الحرف
23-09-2006, 01:15 PM
نبضة الأمل..!! ::
i didnt like english !!! because that i can not tooking with it !!! but i must to learn it >> iwill took with you but please dont lugh .. Thank you mrara >>this is best idia
والله فشيلة ما أعرف أتكلم ..‍‍،،

u donot like english but u r idea is good
thankx so much and try to wirte u can love English

23-09-2006, 06:46 PM
amire al harfe thank you very much for your lessons on english
there are very good
good luck

23-09-2006, 07:01 PM
as you know this is first day for Rammadan , and we talk about it before so that i would like to share you about special 3 days it's come in the midle Rammadan and the story for this days it was tradetional in the Arabain Gulf in the past and now we replace it to share our chlidren that moment
and the name of this special days is '' gergea'an '' it's mean sweet , nuts, chocolate they mixed it together and sometimes they but money and given for free in the small bag to the children how will they knock the door and give us special songe '' salem waladhom yalla khalla loma yalla .....'' :) :) ;)
after 2 weeks ''gergea'an '' will come and i hope to be proud of this special tradetional for ever ...

23-09-2006, 07:44 PM
salam ala man ettaba3a elhuda i want to thank the person that give as this opportunity to talk free english without limits my problem that i dont have an arabic keyboard cause am used to talk with peaple from out side as you know all am moroccan girl and my 2nd language is frensh but i like to talk english more it is my hobbie when i talk english im feel like a bird flying in the sky i want u to know girls that i didnt study english befor but im was trying to have some freinds from usa and from my mistakes i improoved my english and this is my advice dont be shy just talk and keep talk let you feel the power that you have inside you have the confidence and keep talking it is like a magic this what i feel when i talk english im so happy to be a member of lakii wish 4 you all the best

أمير الحرف
23-09-2006, 10:49 PM
amire al harfe thank you very much for your lessons on english
there are very good
good luck

u r welcome my sister
see u many time insha Allah

أمير الحرف
23-09-2006, 10:51 PM


Thankx alot about u r subjects

احب الله ورسوله
24-09-2006, 11:01 AM
احب الله ورسوله

Thankx alot about u r language it is very nice
go a head
Thank you, I appreciate that for you

احب الله ورسوله
24-09-2006, 11:37 AM
I would like to congratulate all of you and your families on the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan

أمير الحرف
26-09-2006, 01:08 AM
wher r u in Rammadan
u r stay in u r kitchen
try to change u r work
we want to see u in this section
In sha Allah

أمير الحرف
26-09-2006, 01:10 AM
احب الله ورسوله
I would like to congratulate all of you and your families on the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan

Thank u so much about u r words

26-09-2006, 03:23 PM
hellllllloooooooo amer al7arf how you doing ? thanks to ask about me hehehe oh i do sweet to my family it was delicious :) this the first time it's work with me i'm so happy :)
mmmmm what about you how is your school?
أحب الله ورسولة where are you?

26-09-2006, 04:31 PM
I am a new member here and I like english so much.
All your ideas are great,and i will cooporate with you ,
You know i think writing in english is easier than talking in it,
I have a new idea: let's talk about the value of THE MOTHER
Waiting for your responses and let's be active.. bye,read from you soon...

26-09-2006, 11:01 PM
hi siwar how are you your idea it's verey nice and we hope to talk about your idea so now we have many ideas to talk about it :)
thank you dear
your's Gamosha

27-09-2006, 12:47 AM
thank you GAMOUSHA for replying

Mother is the most precious creature in earth
She took care of us when we were babies,she stay up all night when we are sick,she give us affection all the time and protect us from any danger.Our life really cost nothing without mother's love
Actually we know that more when become mothers and that's :-p~ :-M true from my experience.

احب الله ورسوله
27-09-2006, 08:34 AM
Thank u so much about u r words
you are welcome

27-09-2006, 03:33 PM
Thank you siwar about your words i really apperciat you , you are right becouse mother we can not dispense with out her she give us love and peace of mind also i can not forget father he is the post of the house we can not living with out him really God bless them :)

Your's Gamosha

أمير الحرف
28-09-2006, 09:39 AM
hellllllloooooooo amer al7arf how you doing ? thanks to ask about me hehehe oh i do sweet to my family it was delicious this the first time it's work with me i'm so happy
mmmmm what about you how is your school?

Hi my sister gamosha

we miss u I think u about qustion my school is good
and I want see u sweet
I think it is very nice
so we want to chang the subject and we want to write about it
In sha Allah

28-09-2006, 11:26 AM
helllo amer al7arf let's change our subject and talk about mother's and father's day becouse miss siwan she give us nice pragraph about our mom :) we can not forget dad olso :) ;)

28-09-2006, 11:32 AM
Hi my sister gamosha

we miss u I think u about qustion my school is good
and I want see u sweet
I think it is very nice
so we want to chang the subject and we want to write about it
In sha Allah

thank you amer al7arf let's change our subject and what about talking about mother's day becouse miss siwan she give us nice paragraph
i would like to complet what she say what is your oppinion about that?
ofcourse we can not forget father's also :):)

28-09-2006, 03:34 PM

29-09-2006, 03:38 PM
):K hello :-M verey body i bring for you littel story so please read it and answer the question bellow::-r


In the city of venice there lived a marchant called ANTONIO . All the people loved him becouse he was so kind to them . in the same city there was another marchant named SHYLOCK , the people did not like him becouse he was unkind.
SHYLOCK hated ANTONIO becouse ANTONIO used to laugh at him.
Now , ANTONIO had a friend called BASSANIO.
that BASSANIO was always poor becouse he spent his money foolish.
so when BASSANIO needed some money , ANTONIO always helped him .
one day BASSANIO decided to marry a beautiful rich young woman((K)) called PORTIA . but at that time ANTONIO'S had no money to give to BASSAINO :[]L becouse ANTONIO'S ships were at sea.
so both BASSANIO and ANTONIO'S went to SHYLOCK in order to borrow some money from him:[MM . SHYLOCK gave ANTONIO the money he wanted but if ANTONIO did not return it within three months SHYLOCK would cut one pound of ANTONIO'S flesh :III: .
thus BASSANIO married PORTIA ((K)) then the money was not ready in time so SHYLOCK made up his mind to cut one pound of ANTONIO'S flesh:eek: , but PORTIA saved ANTONIO becouse she told SHYLOCK to cut only one pound of ANTONIO'S flesh without spilling any blood:-M .
in the end SHYLOCK lost all his money while ANTONIO'S ships reached venice safley.:)

now answer this question bellow:
.................................................. .............
choose the correct answer :
1. the name of this city was::[MM .........
a. Itali.
b. Venice
c. Roma

2. ANTONIO'S had a friend his name:[MM :..........
a. Portia
b. Shylock

3. the name of the rich young woman was((K)) :.....
a Patrice
4. How woulld win the story in the end:) ?
a. Antonio's

1 how many people are there in the story:[MM ?
2. why was shylock did not like antonio'sq) ?
3. what was antnio's friend name?
4. why bassanio was always poor:confused: ?
5. how will help bassanio when he need money:) ?
6.why antonio's could not help his friend bassaino:[MM ?
7. what was shylock condition?
8.how could portia saved antonio's:-M ?

wirte the useful example about this story in three lines):K :

أمير الحرف
29-09-2006, 10:09 PM
u make exam
I read this novel befor this time
it is good story
I want to answer these questios but I donnot have time
in these days
give me chance in the futuer
In Sha Allah
see u

29-09-2006, 10:32 PM
u make exam
I read this novel befor this time
it is good story
I want to answer these questios but I donnot have time
in these days
give me chance in the futuer
In Sha Allah
see u

thank you amer al7arf to read this story and iam waiting for you to answer the question in the future

om ammar
30-09-2006, 09:48 PM
والله فكرة لذيذة وعملية لتقوية اللغة جزاكي الله خيرا

01-10-2006, 04:01 PM
Shylock hated Antonio because he used to laugh at him-
Antonio's friend name is Bassanio-
Bassanio was always poor because he spent his money foolish-
Antonio helped Bassanio by borrowing money from Shylock-
Antonio could not help Bassanio because his ship was at the sea-
Shylock's condition was that Antonio must return money within-
3months or he wold cut one pound of his flesh
Portia saved Antonio by telling Shylock to cut only Antonio's flesh-
without spilling any blood ,which is impossible

Sorry for the last question,(do you mean a resume)

01-10-2006, 09:49 PM
hello every body how are you all, i would like to thank om omer to share us and gave us her oppinion :)
and i would like to thank miss siwar about her answer :) and for the last question i mean to wirte small summary ( use 3 lines only)

أم منهل
02-10-2006, 08:04 PM
alsalam alakom how are you
how is Ramadan with you

03-10-2006, 10:54 AM
hiiiiiiiiii om manhal we are fine , and i'm waiting for gerga'an now hehehe some sweet and nuts:)

05-10-2006, 04:14 PM
hellllo verey body where is my friend ?????? longe time where have you been!!!!
amer al7arf how are you today ? just i want to say hiiiiii :)

أمير الحرف
08-10-2006, 05:55 AM
hellllo verey body where is my friend ?????? longe time where have you been!!!!
amer al7arf how are you today ? just i want to say hiiiiii

HHiiiiiii give me chance when I have time
I come back In sh Allah
Thank so much

اشراقة الإسلام
09-10-2006, 01:53 PM
Hi all
In fact, I don't know how to start. I should thank the pink pen for this subject
thank you :)
and then i want to greet every one in this chat

i'll come back to involve my opinion

أمير الحرف
11-10-2006, 04:11 AM
wellcome to all

اماني 11
11-10-2006, 08:07 AM
Welcome, I love English, and I want to thank you for the wonderful theme, and Ramadan Karim to all. :D

a r o m a
11-10-2006, 08:48 AM
Finally I found a subject in this forum which deals with English

thanks alot and May Allah bless you

اشراقة الإسلام
11-10-2006, 11:18 AM
هاكم اسماء الله الحسنى in english

AL-QUDDUS (The Holy)

AL-MALIK (The Sovereign Lord)

AR-RAHIM (The Mercifull)

AR-RAHMAN (The Beneficent)

ALLAH (The Name Of God)

AL-JABBAR (The Compeller)

AL-AZIZ (The Mighty)

AL-MUHAYMIN (The Protector)

AL-MU'MIN (The Guardian Of Faith)

AS-SALAM (The Source Of Peace)

AL-GHAFFAR (The Forgiver)

AL-MUSAWWIR (The Fashioner)

AL-BARI (The Evolver)

AL-KHALIQ (The Creator)

AL-MUTAKABBIR (The Majestic)

AL-ALIM (The All Knowning)

AL-FATTAH (The Opner)

AR-RAZZAQ (The Provider)

AL-WAHHAB (The Bestover)

AL-QAHHAR (The Subduer)

AL-MUIZZ (The Honourer)

AR-RAFI (The Exalter)

AL-KHAFIZ (The Abaser)

AL-BASIT (The Expender)

AL-QABIZ (The Constrictor)

AL-ADL (The Just)

AL-HAKAM (The Judge)

AL-BASIR (The All Seeing)

AS-SAMI (The All Hearing)

AL-MUZILL (The Dishonourer)

AL-GHAFUR (The All-Forgiving)

AL-AZIM (The Great One)

AL-HALIM (The Forbearing One)

AL-KHABIR (The Aware)

AL-LATIF (The Subtle One)

AL-MUQIT (The Maintainer)

AL-HAFIZ (The Preserver)

AL-KABIR (The Most Great)

AL-ALI (The Most High)

ASH-SHAKUR (The Appreciative)

AL-MUJIB (The Responsive)

AR-RAQIB (The Watchfull)

AL-KARIM (The Generous One)

AL-JALIL (The Sublime One)

AL-HASEEB (The Reckoner)

AL-BA'ITH (The Resurrector)

AL-MAJEED (The Most Glorious One)

AL-WADUD (The Loving)

AL-HAKEEM (The Wise)

AL-WASI (The All-Embracing)

AL-MATEEN (The Firm One)

AL-QAWI (The Most Strong)

AL-WAKIL (The Trustee)

AL-HAQQ (The Truth)

ASH-SHAHEED (The Witness)

AL-MU'ID (The Restorer)

AL-MUBDI (The Originator)

AL-MUHSI (The Reckoner)

AL-HAMEED (The Praiseworthy)

AL-WALI (The Protecting Friend)

AL-WAJID (The Finder)

AL-QAYYUM (The Self-subsisting)

AL-HAYEE (The Alive)

AL-MUMIT (The Creator Of Death)

AL-MUHYI (The Giver Of Life)

AL-QADIR (The Able)

AS-SAMAD (The Eternal)

AL-AHAD (The One)

AL-WAHID (The Unique)

AL-MAJID (The Noble)

AL-AAKHIR (The Last)

AL-AWWAL (The First)

AL-MU'AKHKHIR (The Delayer)

AL-MUQADDIM (The Expediter)

AL-MUQTADIR (The Powerful)

AL-BARR (The Source Of All Goodness)

AL-MUTA'ALI (The Most Exalted)

AL-WALI (The Governor)

AL-BATIN (The Hiddeen)

AZ-ZAHIR (The Manifest)

MALIK-UL-MULK (The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty)

AR-RAOOF (The Compassionate)

AL-'AFUW (The Pardoner)

AL-MUNTAQIM (The Avenger)

AT-TAWWAB (The Acceptor Of Repentance)

AL-MUGHNI (The Enricher)

AL-GHANI (The Self-Sufficient)

AL-JAAMAY (The Gatherer)

AL-MUQSIT (The Equitable)

ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM (The Lord Of Majesty and Bounty)

AL-HAADI (The Guide)

AN-NOOR (The Light)

AN-NAAFAY (The Propitious)

AD-DAARR (The Distresser)

AL-MAANAY (The Preventer)

AS-SABOOR (The Patient)

AR-RASHEED (The Guide To The Right Path)

AL-WARIS (The Supreme Inheritor)

AL-BAQI (The Everlasting)

AL-BADEI (The Incomparable)

with best wishes


11-10-2006, 01:36 PM
hi , I am a new member .

I am very happy because I have new sisters and brothers in allah

Ramadan Mobarak.

11-10-2006, 09:01 PM
Thank you, you submitted subject is very very nice . That dialog by english language became at this time is necessary thing

13-10-2006, 05:59 PM
thank you very much

for your nice subject

las3a akeed
13-10-2006, 07:28 PM
nice of you to write za 99 names of allah its agreat thing really and thanks 4 za great idea here its really opening an opportunity to share or ideas and talk with each other , ill keep up with you all insha allah thanks again

أمير الحرف
13-10-2006, 07:33 PM
wellcome to all

we want to choose subject

فتاة الشرق2005
13-10-2006, 08:19 PM
Assalam alikom
Thanks alot ::::The Pink Pen ::::Yip
It's realy a great idea ,,, i was thinking to put like your subject
in our beautiful forum
Thanks Again ,,&,,, waiting for you
Good luck ,,, Ramadan kareem

14-10-2006, 08:16 AM
Hello every body


what are you talking about??

I suggest if every one pick up asubject and finally we vote for the best one and talk about it

what do you think???

14-10-2006, 01:25 PM
hello every body how are you all ? this is long time i didn't write here as you now we are busy in ramadan. i would like to thank all members her to share us and i'm waiting for them inshallah all the time
*hello amer al7arf how are you just i want to say hi to you :)
* where are you احب الله ورسوله this is longe time i would like to talk with you شعلومج وينج غايبة كل هالمدة لووووووول :)

* for all members if you never maind choose one subject to talk about it please to see our exspression and to see the differen between all paragraph .):K

أمير الحرف
14-10-2006, 02:57 PM

hello amer al7arf how are you just i want to say hi to you

I am very happy when i see u
I missed u many time I think u r
buzy in Rammdan
so I think u so much about u r question
and I want u r subject u can choose any
Good Luck

14-10-2006, 11:35 PM
I am very happy when i see u
I missed u many time I think u r
buzy in Rammdan
so I think u so much about u r question
and I want u r subject u can choose any
Good Luck
you are right i'm very busy in ramadan as you now i seal the holy qura'an, i'm always going out with my family in the eveing becouse this is special days :)
what about your school ? are you in colleg or high school?

أمير الحرف
15-10-2006, 01:20 AM

you are right i'm very busy in ramadan as you now i seal the holy qura'an, i'm always going out with my family in the eveing becouse this is special days
what about your school ? are you in colleg or high school

Thankx alot about u r ideas
I t is wonderful
about u r question is not study now
I learn English more time
This is the best mothed
Thank again and we want to see u r subject
God bye

اشراقة الإسلام
15-10-2006, 02:44 PM
hi all
what do u think of taking about the Eide

أمير الحرف
15-10-2006, 04:00 PM
اشراقة الإسلام
hi all
what do u think of taking about the Eide

Hi اشراقة الإسلام
very nice
go ahead
try to write about big celbration

15-10-2006, 11:28 PM
فكرة كتير حلوة

16-10-2006, 02:08 AM
hi every body i have nice jock about jo7ah i will translate it inshallah very soon in english wait me ok :)

أمير الحرف
16-10-2006, 10:45 AM
hi every body i have nice jock about jo7ah i will translate it inshallah very soon in english wait me ok


I wait u In sha Allah

17-10-2006, 12:48 AM
thank you amer al7arf i will right it inshallah very soon:)

17-10-2006, 01:12 AM







17-10-2006, 08:49 AM
hi every body
its realy anice subject
allow me to share it with you and please accept me as a sister between you
((speaking english is very intresting
forgive my mistkes

wow it is realy fun

18-10-2006, 02:19 AM
hi gold rose how are you ?
yeah our subject talk about how to write smal pragraph in the past or future or present just to try to improve our siklls in english so that we make it like chating to expression our feeling , we try to use daily words to help us how to speak with the stranger people , you can correct for us our mistaks if you never maind dear :)

مسك الورد
welcome with us in this chating and i will wait you to write for us new subject ok :) and thank you to share us

18-10-2006, 07:56 AM
thanks gamosha
i will write about my little daughter
she is amazing
she is 10 months old
every day she learns a new stuff her way of acting her movement and also her pronounciatins of the letters make me alwayse laugh at her
few days ago she learned how to walked by her own self without assestence or help from me or her father .if she does some thing right she smiles and ask us to clip for her
ofcourrse she is very noisy but still sweet

18-10-2006, 11:29 AM
God bless her to you dear
l realy like small baby they doing somthing strange and make us laught all the time
i'm not married but when my aunt give birth to her doughter
i take care for her doughter i like her very very very very much
she is naughty girle and if she doing somthing wrong and i told her why you do like this naughty girle
she try to tel me not me but pllllllllllllllease i will not do it again
and when she came whith her sister and her brother she always tel me loooooooook i don't have nail polish hehehehehe she make me laught all the time if i get angrey with her
she is my sweeet hart and i'm always tel her you are my angel and my small cat hehehehe

فتاة الشرق2005
19-10-2006, 06:07 PM
Assalam alikom ,,,,Hello every one !!!
How are you all my dear sisters ??
How are u gamosha ?
I love children specially the small children
I like them too much
my nephews
They are so sweeeeeeeeeeet

God keep them
Good luck
Khawatem Mobarakah

19-10-2006, 09:37 PM
helloooooooooo فتاة الشرق how are you ?
yeah you are right kids are very sweeeet and like them all becouse they let me laugh all the time loool

19-10-2006, 09:56 PM
Jeha's Nail..........

once upon a time, jeha sold his house for ridiculasuly low price. but he had one condition. he said for the puyer'' on one of ''the walls there is a nail idon't want to sell
becouse this nail for his grandfather and if jeha missed his grandfather he looked for the nail. so the buyer a greed after all.what did he need the nail for??? after afew days, jeha come back to the house to visit his nail. he soon hung his coat on it , then brought his bed and started to sleep there to stay close to the nail.
then he brought his family to visit the nail...... in the end the only way the new owner could get rid of him was to buy the nail for aprice , many times higher than that of the house.......
this goes to tell you: we may leave our place or change our oppinion but we will NEVER sell that nail.

20-10-2006, 12:46 PM
wow aren't they wonderful
gamosha W:my dear and for all members in this site
:-Ehappy :-Y :-Dead

أمير الحرف
20-10-2006, 02:02 PM
Hi /gamosha
u r story is very nice
It is wonderful
Thankx again and I come back again In ShaAllah
after Aeed
see u

20-10-2006, 11:11 PM
thanks to all my friends and i want to say

Happy Eeed
Happy Eeed
happy Eeed

i will miss you amer al7arf and all my friends

كيلو بترا
24-10-2006, 06:22 AM
it is agood idea
happy eeed

حنونة لك
24-10-2006, 09:56 AM
from along time ............I wait this chance

حنونة لك
24-10-2006, 10:09 AM
your story is very very very nice thnk you at all
I want to know your opinion about the animal
what is your favaret one? tkanks

مرارة البحر
24-10-2006, 11:59 AM
Peace be upon you all brothers and sisters :)

I'd like to congratulate you all and wish you a happy Eidul Fitr feast

and may Allah accept your deeds in Ramadan and gives us all the chance to reach it again, insha' Allah.

well, I think the topic went very long, I'm sorry about not following it.

but tell me please, do you find it useful? I mean let's see what's the feedback after 11 pages of practicing.

I haven't noticed if there're any corrections among the comments,

so, let's make a kind of reports, which I think will help our dear moderator Pink Pen, to see if there's any need to open a new topic, or a class for practicing let's say :).

the idea of adding stories was really good, thank you Gamoosha ;)

finally, I'd like to say Welcome in Lakii for حنونة لك :)

wishing you a good time with us.

that's all for now :)

24-10-2006, 01:23 PM
hi حنونة لك
happy ead
my favourite animal is :cat they are cute

أمير الحرف
24-10-2006, 01:47 PM
thanks to all my friends and i want to say

Happy Eeed
Happy Eeed
happy Eeed

i will miss you amer al7arf and all my friends

Thankx alot my sister gamosha
Happy Eeed
Happy Eeed
I will come back again In sh Allah
Then , I want talk about
Eeed Alftr
but In Sha Allah after a few days
I thank all members
write and comment about all of the subject
see u In Sha Allh

اماني 11
24-10-2006, 02:44 PM
Happy Eeed
Happy Eeed
Happy Eeed

24-10-2006, 03:17 PM

24-10-2006, 09:14 PM
FONT="Arial Black"]thanks to all members to keep contact with us
i would like to say happy aed
for all
about first day of aed all my family came to my grandmother house then we eat our launch after that i went with my mother and sister to my uncel house that what i did in the first day
and today i didn't go anywhere !!!!
maybe tomorrow morning i will go to my friend house to say for her mother happy ead :) [/FONT]

star of galaxy
24-10-2006, 11:54 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
اهنى ء جميع من في هذا المنتدى بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك اعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير والسعادة

26-10-2006, 01:24 PM
thanks alot for you dear star of galaxy

أمير الحرف
26-10-2006, 01:48 PM
My sister /gamosha
I am very happy about ur subject
It is very nice
when I have much time In Sha Allah
I want talk about abig cilbration
Eeed Alftar
Thankx again

مرارة البحر
27-10-2006, 02:14 PM
Salam again,
would anyone of you please tell your opinion about what I've suggested?

that's it again in case of you may haven't noticed it before:

but tell me please, do you find it useful? I mean let's see what's the feedback after 11 pages of practicing.

I haven't noticed if there're any corrections among the comments,

so, let's make a kind of reports, which I think will help our dear moderator Pink Pen, to see if there's any need to open a new topic, or a class for practicing let's say :).

27-10-2006, 07:01 PM
thank you amer al7arf and i'm waiting you inshallah very soon , i would like to say for you about your other subject it was very nice and thank you alot becouse you are always contact with me and this is my honor to still contacat with you ........

My sister /gamosha
I am very happy about ur subject
It is very nice
when I have much time In Sha Allah
I want talk about abig cilbration
Eeed Alftar
Thankx again

أمير الحرف
27-10-2006, 08:29 PM
مرارة البحر
Salam again,
would anyone of you please tell your opinion about what I've suggested?

that's it again in case of you may haven't noticed it before

Waallakm Asllam

مرارة البحر
we are very glade when I see u in this page
and I read u r opinion about the subject
u know all of the members her may be comment about any
idea .when it is write or worng this is not matter the important
things try to write or give any thing .
u r noticed why u see 11 or 12 pages wthi out any feedback
but this subject is not new it is old for this reason any members
can write or see the new vocablary
and take the words to keep it or comment
by the way we are happyful when Isee u r idea
and I want to see u write about any subject
God welling

28-10-2006, 03:10 PM
Waallakm Asllam

مرارة البحر
we are very glade when I see u in this page
and I read u r opinion about the subject
u know all of the members her may be comment about any
idea .when it is write or worng this is not matter the important
things try to write or give any thing .
u r noticed why u see 11 or 12 pages wthi out any feedback
but this subject is not new it is old for this reason any members
can write or see the new vocablary
and take the words to keep it or comment
by the way we are happyful when Isee u r idea
and I want to see u write about any subject
God welling

yeah you are right all members here they give us there comments :) we want more interact with us but مرارة البحر don't forget there are many people they can't give us there oppinion becouse they can't expression there oppinion that much so we still waitting them .......
about your idea it's really nice and i hope that to share us and correct for us if you never maind dear :D

28-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Assalamu Alaikum Boys & Girls

what a great idea to communicate with each other using different language away our mother tongue, well this improves ourselves to develop our language skills.

let me introduce myself to you, this is curly from Palestinian origins, i live and work at the United Arab Emirates, married for 3 months nearly which means I’m a brand new bride

I’ve got bachelors degree English Language and Translation major in Jordan at Petra Private University, and inshalla I’m aiming for Master Degree.

well, that's all for now and it would be great if we started discussing some serious issue.. you guys choose and i am ready to start

Till then stay safe and sound..

أمير الحرف
28-10-2006, 04:16 PM
thank you amer al7arf and i'm waiting you inshallah very soon , i would like to say for you about your other subject it was very nice and thank you alot becouse you are always contact with me and this is my honor to still contacat with you ........
How do u do sister
u r welcome thankx alot about u r words this is
alittle bit from u . u r avery nice lady because u r brin is sharp Ma shAllh
u r write in Arabic and English withe a good words
and I want see all of the members her beacuse this is advance
to write . so , I think we can change the subject we can write
about a true friend or I can give u and all of
the members smoe subjects then choose from it .
at last, I thank u so much my sister
see u In ShAllah

أمير الحرف
28-10-2006, 04:23 PM
Assalamu Alaikum Boys & Girls

what a great idea to communicate with each other using different language away our mother tongue, well this improves ourselves to develop our language skills.

let me introduce myself to you, this is curly from Palestinian origins, i live and work at the United Arab Emirates, married for 3 months nearly which means I’m a brand new bride

I’ve got bachelors degree English Language and Translation major in Jordan at Petra Private University, and inshalla I’m aiming for Master Degree.

well, that's all for now and it would be great if we started discussing some serious issue.. you guys choose and i am ready to start

Till then stay safe and sound

wa Allakm Alslam
welcome my sister
I think we r take useful from u
welcom again my sister

29-10-2006, 12:56 AM
thank you
amer al7arf :)....
yeah let's choose your subject
(( best friends ))
i would like to talk about it becouse in fact i don't have that much friends just 3 ,my cousin and my friend in high school and the last one i now her she work with me before ...
mmmmmmmmm in my oppinion we should choose our friends carefully becouse they are like a sweet sometimes testy and othertimes not .....hehehe

أمير الحرف
31-10-2006, 12:15 AM

Thanku very much my sister
I will come back again In ShAllah

31-10-2006, 10:47 AM
Ok so we are talking about friends,,

a friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace and makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.

Friends are important for people with disabilities for a lot of the same reasons that they are important for other people. For example, when people with disabilities have a personal problem, we don't want to have to talk to a professional about it, but rather close friends or an intimate partner. People with disabilities need friends to hang around with, to do things with, have fun with. People with disabilities need friends who share common interests, like hobbies, movies, and volunteer work.

31-10-2006, 12:24 PM
thanks alot about your words كيرلي ,yeah your are right somethimes we need our friends in our life so take care of us and to share us our sadness :)

amer al7arf: i'm waitting you and you are welcome any where any time:)

31-10-2006, 12:52 PM
bonjour mes soeurs et amies islamistes c est une bonne
idee de communicer avec les langues mais il des gens qui
ne savent pas tout les langues parexemple moi je sais un peu d anglais et beaucoup de francais

31-10-2006, 02:44 PM
bonjour mes soeurs et amies islamistes c est une bonne
idee de communicer avec les langues mais il des gens qui
ne savent pas tout les langues parexemple moi je sais un peu d anglais et beaucoup de francais

Unfortunately i do not speak French! pardon me!

31-10-2006, 03:14 PM
اهلا faltetaانا كمان ما بعرف فرني بس فهمت عليكي..

31-10-2006, 08:51 PM
salut falteta ? comment vas tu? merci bien pour ton argument ,il est tre's passionnant , et nous ne avons pas parlez le francie par ce que
je t'excuses moi oussi je parl le english languges

je vaus embrosse
abientot :)

01-11-2006, 08:32 PM
well, as for me, i improved my English skills by joining an International school (and i was the dumbest) LOL but it was great wallahi how it happened i follwed all my classmates, and now doing all my studies in English. anyways, i guess you'll be seeing me here, and for aaaaaaany one who needs anyyyyyyy help... AM HERE :)

01-11-2006, 08:38 PM
oh LA LA!!! je parle francais un peu... j'aime FRANCAIS :D j'ai etudie` deux mois, mais j'ai ne peux pas continue`... je veux parle bien francais..... :(

الفردوس ارجوا
02-11-2006, 11:09 AM
والله فكرة التحدث بالإنجليزي جميله جدا...للأسف إني لااتقنها فمن منكن ترجوا الفردوس تعلمني كي اكون في بلادي الذي لايوجد فيه مكتب للجاليات للتعريف بالإسلام واكون انا اول من افتحه باذن الله............من ترجوا الفردوس؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الفردوس ارجوا
02-11-2006, 11:17 AM
لمن ترجوا الفردوس..........انا اتمنى التحدث باللغة العالمية علما ان في بلادي لايوجد مكتب لتعريف الجاليات بالدين الاسلامي فعسى ان اكون اول من يفتح هذا المكتب.....فالمن ترجوا الفردوس تعلمني

أمير الحرف
02-11-2006, 11:50 AM
الفردوس ارجوا
لمن ترجوا الفردوس..........انا اتمنى التحدث باللغة العالمية علما ان في بلادي لايوجد مكتب لتعريف الجاليات بالدين الاسلامي فعسى ان اكون اول من يفتح هذا المكتب.....فالمن ترجوا الفردوس تعلمني

الأخت / الفردوس
السلام عليكم
بالنسبة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية ليس بالامر السهل وخاصة أذا كان لك رغبة في الدعوه
الى الله والسبب أن كثيراً من غير المسلمين لديهم شبهات حول الاسلام واذا لم تستطيعي
الرد عليهم وعلى شبهاتهم قد يكون هنا ضرر اكبر لهذا انصحك
أن تقومي بتوزيع كتيبات عن الاسلام والحجاب والتوحيد وغيرها من المسائل الكبرى وبعد
ذلك قد تتعلمي اللغة الانجليزية خطوه خطوه بأذن الله
واذا رغبتي كتب في اللغة الا نجليزية يمكن توفيرها لكِ هنا وربنا يوفقك ,,

02-11-2006, 09:37 PM
اختي الفردوس ارجوا
نعم يا اختي انا من رأيي اخي امير الحرف فقد لفت نظري الموضوع لان اعلم بان الاجانب لديهم فكرة سيئة عنا وذلك بسبب الاحداث الي تحصل تحت مسمى الاسلام
والمشكله تكمن فينا نحن لان بعض الناس لا يتقنون اللغة الانجليزية بشكل جيد يسمح لهم بشرح مبسط وواضح عن الاسلام للجاليات الغربية
لذا تصل لهم المعلومات بشكل خاطئ ويأخذون هذه المعلومات ويفسرونها على تفكيرهم هم طبعا نتيجة مصادر هذه المعلومات غير موثوق بها او قد شرحت خطاء
لهذا من رأيي ان تبحثي في اولا في الانترنت عن كتيبات دينية باللغة الانجليزية
واذا اردت اي استفسار انا في الخدمة
للاسف انا كان لدي كتيبات باللغة الانجليزية وقرأن باللغة الانجليزية قد اعطيته الي اجنبي يبحث عن الاسلام والقران ولكن لا اعرف كيف ستحصلين على مثله ؟؟

أمير الحرف
03-11-2006, 06:45 PM
Hello my sister /gamosha
I am late about my subject

The True Friend
we cannot live lone. we need to live with other ‎people .But we should be careful when we choose our ‎friend.‎
The true friends is helpful in need because ,Afriend in ‎need is a friend indedd,.He should be ready to help his ‎friends and those who need help.‎
The true friend should also be truthful and honest.‎
Finally, I can say that a true friends is as precious as gold ‎

Thank u

04-11-2006, 12:46 AM
Hello my sister /gamosha
I am late about my subject

The True Friend
we cannot live lone. we need to live with other ‎people .But we should be careful when we choose our ‎friend.‎
The true friends is helpful in need because ,Afriend in ‎need is a friend indedd,.He should be ready to help his ‎friends and those who need help.‎
The true friend should also be truthful and honest.‎
Finally, I can say that a true friends is as precious as gold ‎

Thank u

hello amer al7arf i was reading your subject and i like it very much becouse you use special words and it is enough to explane the meaning of real friends about me i don't have many friends just tow girls and the third one she is my cousin :)

أمير الحرف
04-11-2006, 01:34 PM
hello amer al7arf i was reading your subject and i like it very much becouse you use special words and it is enough to explane the meaning of real friends about me i don't have many friends just tow girls and the third one she is my cousin

Hello My sister
I am very pleasuer when I see u r words discribe my subject
I say any person is freedom when he choose his friend
but some time there are some person give him a bad news about him
don not worry choose any good friend
but donnot think about
stronger person

see u

04-11-2006, 08:56 PM
Hello My sister
I am very pleasuer when I see u r words discribe my subject
I say any person is freedom when he choose his friend
but some time there are some person give him a bad news about him
don not worry choose any good friend
but donnot think about
stronger person

see u

hi amer al7arf you are right but about me ican't make any relationships with any people only with the pearson that i feel comfortable with her in my opinion i really don't like girls meeting or gathering becouse they always talking and there quality is chatter and gossip :)
and sometimes i thought specially girls they keep there feeling they try to pretend that she is good girl and she like me and she want to help me to fined soulotion for my problem but in fact she just keep her own feeling jealous and field and spite and hostility
specailly girls with girls if they are friends
not all girls like this but allmost some of them
and in the end we can choose which is good and honest :)
thank you amer al7arf about your gentlel words and your sentimental feelings

wdad saad
04-11-2006, 09:24 PM
i am not in enlish
help me
thank you

فسحة أمل
04-11-2006, 10:02 PM
by the way, can we improve our english using the enternet??
do u have good ways or programs to contact people and speak with them??
chating rooms are not good for that, there is no regular lessons>
im in Saudi Arabia and have no one to speak English with:(:(:(

04-11-2006, 10:14 PM
i'm here my sisters to any helps but if you want to learn and improve your languges you should read the english rules فسحة امل
you can go to the another part it's wrote by amer al7arf but if you want just chatting you can chat with us go a head ......
اختي وداد سعد مشكورة على المشاركة بس اذا حابة تتعلمين انجليزي لازم تعرفين القواعد تقدرين تروحين قسم تحت هذا القسم الي احنا فيه مكتوب بواسطة امير الحرف الشرح وافي وحلو وبسيط جدا تقدرين تتعلمين بسهولة واي شي تبينه انا وهو في الخدمة

أمير الحرف
05-11-2006, 04:27 PM
i'm here my sisters to any helps but if you want to learn and improve your languges you should read the english rules فسحة امل
you can go to the another part it's wrote by amer al7arf but if you want just chatting you can chat with us go a head ......
اختي وداد سعد مشكورة على المشاركة بس اذا حابة تتعلمين انجليزي لازم تعرفين القواعد تقدرين تروحين قسم تحت هذا القسم الي احنا فيه مكتوب بواسطة امير الحرف الشرح وافي وحلو وبسيط جدا تقدرين تتعلمين بسهولة واي شي تبينه انا وهو في الخدمة

THank u my sister ;gamosha
we will help any person

فسحة أمل
05-11-2006, 07:12 PM
Gammosha, Imean live chating using the mic.
thank u hony.

06-11-2006, 11:49 AM
i know sister what do you mean but in my opinion i donot like to chat in mirc becouse they don't recpect any body ?? plus they use baaaaaaaaaaaaad words as you know?i don't prepher that

07-11-2006, 12:16 AM

07-11-2006, 07:15 PM
bay and i hope we see soon my sister gamosha

فسحة أمل
08-11-2006, 01:30 PM
Thats mean there is no good,clean or helpful rooms to learn.
its too hard,
i had to join a room in a world wide program,for talking, it was nice but there is no regular lessons or students.

thank u gamosha for ur caring>

09-11-2006, 03:16 AM
. Hi every body
I hope you all are doing wel.l
That is my first day here and i'm glad that i find you
and i admire your idea very much

for me , i'm very weak in English so i hope that you can stand with me to improve my English ,and please correct any mistake

I don't know what you are talking about now because i couldn't read today any pages except the first one

But i hope to complete with you
thank you yery much

(((( finally i finshed))))

أمير الحرف
09-11-2006, 07:33 AM
I will come back again
In sha allh

09-11-2006, 07:44 AM
nice try

09-11-2006, 01:20 PM
it's really nice my friends to share us in this part and all of you your english its very nice and it's my pleasure to talk with you all just keep try
and you will incloude in this part:)

ع ــبير }~
09-11-2006, 01:39 PM
Brilliant idea, but my cultures is French
I understand your words but i have difficult to answer
Thank you for the wonderful topic

صوت الأقصى
09-11-2006, 02:24 PM
Hi evry one

I think thats a good idea to improve my English

Thanks alot

10-11-2006, 05:23 PM
please , someone tell me
what are we talking about?

i suggest that we talk about religion or culture or education or else
but we must choose some thing to discuss

أمير الحرف
10-11-2006, 08:50 PM
Hi every body here
spicially my best friend
we want cahoose another subject
I choose many subject I give u chance
u can write about any subject

11-11-2006, 02:40 PM
Al Salam Alykom, every one.:-D

Now I just have finished reading all pages, so I can now join you in what you are doing with pleasure.

But first I have some notices that I should say it

1- WE should have someone can correct the mistakes for us because there is some mistakes I sow it and I knew it , and that's mean for sure there is some other mistakes are there to .

SO I suggest that someone can be (VOLUNTEER) correct our mistakes in spilling and grammar

What about you ( MARAT ALBA7R )???

2-FOR the friends who are writing a lot they can writ in Microsoft Word Office first then transfer what they write to (The MONTADA) because the Microsoft Word Office is correct some mistakes we do.

That what I 'm doing now

3 – I'M now in the beginning of English course and I hope to share it with you our all benefit

So please allow me to suggest the real fires lesson

4 – WE should define the group who will gain the most use to work at good level for all of us.

11-11-2006, 02:43 PM
HI again

MY fires suggest will be easy for all of us….

And that is my topic

(That's for beginner like me)…

Please introduce yourself for us in 5 lines

I'll begin

" Hi , my name is Soso , I'm from Egypt , I'm 30 years old , I have one sister and three brothers , I live with my family , I work as a teacher and I love my job very much .

I like to learn English well to, so I'm very glad to join you here to increase my English

I hope also to be useful for you.

I'm pleased to meet you all and I'm waiting for your respond

Thank you


13-11-2006, 02:13 PM
salam girls
am a new memeber and it is my pleasure to join you in this forum. I hope everyone is in a good state of health. thanks and lets keep talking in English.

15-11-2006, 03:59 PM
i want to learn english very well
because i love english and i have so mush vocabulary but i have some problems with makeing an excellent sentences
so plz can you all open subject so that i can share them with you?
and plz let me know what is my mistake i will be so thankfull>>>>>>>>

الأرض المحتله
16-11-2006, 09:35 PM
Al Slam Alicom
I want to write and speak Englesh well
Can yours help me??

I like Englesh language and iwant to learn it to much any of yours tell me write report about any think
and Iwill write after that you can correct to me
SO I thank all who helped me

بنية فلسطين
17-11-2006, 04:09 PM
hello its a great idea but wha t is the topic you want to talk about suggest one and all of us will share in talking aboutit
i.e.flowers , cooking,jobs......etc your friend the palestinian girl

فتاة الشرق2005
18-11-2006, 12:46 AM
Assalam Alikom
Hello girls ,,,,,,,,,How are you all?

Sister :: Mokololy:: I agree with u
Thank you for your advices
:::::::: ـــــــــــــــ :::::::::::: ــــــــــــــ :::::::::

and Iwill write after that you can correct to me
sister :: الأرض المحتلة :: I would like to help you
so write any report or any thing you want , and I´ll correct for you as I can...
::::::: ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ::::::::::: ــــــــــــــــــ ::::::::
That is a good idea sister ::Palestinian girl
I suggest to choose the subject :: cooking::

الملكة الحالمة
20-11-2006, 12:11 AM
AL- Salam Alikom every one here :

This is new and good idea I'm new student in English language and I need to speak English I want some one to learn and discover our mistakes .

Thank you very much pink pin for this idea

21-11-2006, 12:14 AM
hi i'm so happy to find this topic i want improve my language but iwish if evry one translateيترجمwhat wrote to learn the new words

21-11-2006, 12:20 AM
فتاة الشرق

21-11-2006, 12:22 AM
فتاة الشرق
can i write and you correct to me too

لا تيأس
21-11-2006, 08:18 PM
Hi every one

I think its' very nice idea , realy I need it
and Ineed your help
thank you all

لا تيأس
21-11-2006, 08:26 PM
I will start
can any one speakto us what she read?
I mean about abook she read it and she liked it

بنية فلسطين
21-11-2006, 08:50 PM


let us talk about cooking
who knows how to prepare a perfect meal?if you can...,... tell us what makes your meal delicious
and talk about healthy food and what rules you must follow to prepare som healthy good tasty meal
your sister palesenian girl

الأرض المحتله
22-11-2006, 08:56 AM
FATAT AL SHARK ...thank you

I’ll talk about cooking...

I’ll answer that i coud stand..

who knows how to prepare a perfect meal I think u mean that the meal shoud be combletely meal right? ..The meal shoud be collect differant sources of food for example:protten carbohaidrat sougers vegetabels
when Iwould prepare meal the 4 sources should be in the meal

what makes your meal delicious
there are many think like make the food step by step..for example the chicken we can prepare it after many hours and keep it in fridage with chicken tatbela ......and the decore make the food delicious

when you prepare the vegetabeles or fruit you shouldn’t cat it using the knife it will lose some important vetamenes so ..Isuggest to cut
with your handes or cut it big pieces

Iam so sorry about spelling..! if u can correct to me thank alot

بنية فلسطين
22-11-2006, 08:53 PM
you are great my sister its enough that you tried to write and day by day you will be jenius just keep practicing
tell me how fatat al shrak is made ? and about altatbeela for chicken tell me the most delicious tatbeela you have ever made and thank you smart girl

لا تيأس
23-11-2006, 04:16 AM
I suggest to speak about soe thing intersting morthan cooking because I am boring from cooking
If Bnih Flastin want to tallk about cookink tallk with some girls and another girls lets talk about our life