مالت عليهم كل اللي بييب طاريهم الحين

لأن هالقضية بالذات مافيها كيري - ميري أو لعب عيال على قولة المصريين

مالت على اللي ارسموا الكاريكاتيرات الخسيسة

و على اللي انشروها بجرايدهم و مجلاتهم

و هم مالت على اللي قالوا ان المقاطعه و الاحتجاج السلمي ما منها فايدة ! يعني لا العنف و التفجيرات يبونها ، ولا

المظاهرات و الاعتصامات عاجبتهم .. طاح حظهم

و مالت على اللي قالوا ان هالسالفة مو صج ! لأني شفتهم بعيني

و على اللي قالوا انها حرية راي ! رغم ان الحرية لها حدود لما تتعدى حرية غيرنا و تتطاول على دينهم و مقدساتهم و معتقداتهم

ليش ممنوع نتكلم عن الهولوكوست ؟ و مذابح اليهود بألمانيا ؟ و أكو خط احمر حول سالفة السامية و ماكو حول الإسلام ؟

و مالت على اللي قالوا ان الدنيماركيين مالهم ذنب ! لأن آخر استفتاء أكد انهم موافقين على اللي صار و رافضين الاعتذار

و مالت على حكومتهم اللي ما تقدر تضبط حدود الأدب و قداسة الاديان بديرتهم

و هم مالت على اللي ساكتين و مالهم كلمة ! .. و بس زاهبين حق الطنازه على الدين و الناس اللي يصلّون و يخافون ربهم

و كمان على اللي يشترون بضاعة تروح فلوسها حق اوادم يطالعون المسلمين بنظره دونية و بكل احتقار

In the International World Federation Council of media and press people, it is stated:

Media people must be alert of risks that may arise as a result of prejudice and discrimination implied by the media. The Council would exert every possible effort to avoid being involved in such calls, which are based on prejudice and religion, sex or other social differences discrimination.

Therefore, we also base our opinion and/or statements herein on an honest and sound media proclamation requesting the Danish newspaper to apologize for what they did. The proclamations states: "The media person would exert every possible effort to correct, modify any published information that he/she noticed that they are inaccurate and/or harmful to others."

Undoubtedly, what the Danis newspaper; Jyllands-Posten published is harmful not only for more than two hundred thousand Danish citizen, but also to more than one-billion-three-hundred-million Muslims along with others who are fair and just people. All these hurt people honor, respect and love Mohammed the Prophet. This action will continue to hurt and harm all Muslims so long we live on the face-of-this-earth. Denmark, if does not deal with this problem on a fair ground, will also continue to be a source of harm and convulsion to many Muslims.This is because of the mentality of some Danish individuals who are anti-prophets, messengers and divine messages.

We would like to remind also with the decree which the Human Rights Agency in the United Nations adopted on the 12th of April, 2005. This decree insisted on the ban of distortions and vicious attacks against religions and especially Islam; which had been strongly attacked in the last few years.
